Audio Program: What to Do With the Negative Energy You Pick Up From Other People

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steam-484572__340We all suffer from the negative energy we pick up from other people. Sometimes we are not even aware this is happening until sometime later we feel mildly suffocated, cramped, uneasy, tense or upset. In this audio, learn what to do with this negative energy and how to free it from your body.

You have probably already discovered that trying to talk yourself out of it simply doesn’t work. Here is a program to enable you to learn and practice six important exercises that make use, not of your mind, but of different parts of your body to release or vent the negative energy you pick up from others without interfering with or releasing your own positive energy, so you can feel comfortable, at ease and relaxed around people who try to lay their negative energy on you.  Request a copy at francinejuhasz@gmail.comSave