I’d like to share a few defining moments in my life which have made me the holistic mentor, speaker, performer, corporate trainer, artist and human being I am today.
The first defining moment came when I grew up in post Second world war Holland, when I was confronted with many stories about the war and Nazi cruelty, even in my own family. This triggered my lifelong interest and research into the predicament of being human, which led to studies in history, sociology, philosophy and psychology. I explored a wide variety of psychological schools, but most influential were : Jungian, Gestalt, Psychosynthesis and Pathwork.
I found many answers in those studies about why we act the way we do, individually and collectively.However, one burning question was not resolved by all those studies: What’s the point of it all? This led to an exploration of mostly eastern (Buddhist, Zen, Taoist, Yoga) schools of mysticism and the search for my true nature. Ever since then I practice aligning my personality with the deep Self in order to serve the people I work with.
When I started working as a psychotherapist, because I helped my clients become aware of how they are not just helpless victims of the world they grew up in, but are active co-creators of their lives, I began exploring the concept of creativity for myself. Do I have it? If not, can I develop it, and if so how?
One of the off-shoots of that search was that I dredged up a forgotten dream I had for a long time, to perform on a stage. I ended up writing and performing a successful consciousness show in the Dutch corporate world which sparked my career as an innovative corporate trainer. Another result of my desire to know more about creativity was that I learned how to draw, which led to painting and then to my becoming a part-time abstract painter with shows in Holland, Germany, Spain and later, the US. But most importantly: I realized that the ultimate art form for me is to take every day as a canvas I can always improve and enrich. It made me creative and playful and effective in my mission to help people find not just financial success but meaning, joy, vitality and creativity in their lives.
The third defining moment was my meeting with Francine Juhasz, my soul-mate, spouse, fellow healer and business partner. Of course, she brought in her expertise as a clinical psychologist, but far more important was and is her very open mind, a wealth of experience living her life from moment to moment, creatively, adventurously, courageously and imaginatively, but above all in an unreal, poised way. In those areas she has been a great role model for me, and still is a constant source of inspiration.
Last, but not least, she enriched my life by introducing me to astrology. When she interpreted my chart I was blown away by the fact that that simple piece of paper contained so much information about me that I had never shared with anyone!! What’s more, it very aptly described how parts of me were very evolved and yet others were still pretty messed up. In short, it laid out a variety of items and issues and themes that I realized I could and should work on for the rest of my life. Which is what I did and still do. Being the person I am, I wanted to know how this worked and this led to me studying astrology myself. After a couple of years Fran and I decided to work together as a team.
Finally our move to the United States which helped me refine my ability as a workshop facilitator formed definitely a defining moment. Working in the States often felt like working in the trenches and has made me resourceful and resilient in dealing with many challenging situations.
All of these defining moments and their consequences have helped me become a more humble, playful, effective, compassionate mentor.
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One thought on “Hans Houtman, M.A.”
Hallo Hans, langs deze onverwachte weg kruisen onze paden elkaar weer eens. Met als onmiddellijke gemeenschappelijke herinnering die belevenis van een vakantie in Nepal (toen nog met Yvonne). Leuk om jouw avontuurlijke levenspad (en de inspiratie daarvoor) terug te lezen!!! Hoop dat alles met jou net zo goed gaat als met mij. Dan heeft het leven ons nog heel wat goeds te bieden…. Met een hartelijke groet uit Bentveld, John