We are holistic counselors using out-of-the-box methods and tools to help you as a dynamic whole person deal with your most pressing issues or problems.
We combine holistic mentoring with the use of an astrological chart as an insightful tool.
Why? Because logical thinking is not enough!
And... because we are looking for patterns (not answers).
Many people don't realize your astrological chart can be used as a map to understand in detail the subtleties of your inner life.
Your inner life consists of remarkable patterns of energy forces, some of which may be in conflict or blocking each other. Amazingly, an astrological chart reveals these. It shows the dynamic interplay between your conscious thoughts and actions and the unconscious forces inside you that cause you to be stuck, or prevent you from finding happiness, success and meaning in your life.
Without follow-up mentoring, however, a chart loses its potency.
A chart may detonate your awareness, but without a plan of action and the actual implementing of this plan, its priceless information fades away into a mere memory of who you can be and what you can become.
During private online Skype sessions we work to empower you in new ways, giving you our support, suggesting exercises and practices to help you interrupt negative patterns of acting, thinking and feeling.
With help of the chart we assist you into taking an active part in creating the life you want, not just worldly success, but soul fulfillment. Together we redesign the way you work, the way you play, the way you relate and the way you feel.
See our mentoring arc.
Our mentoring goal is not only to help you solve your problems. We want you to create a new approach to any problem, present or future. We want to help you enjoy another dimension to your life, and reach another level of experiencing it with joy.
You don’t have to do it alone. Hire an expert. Be mentored at your convenience in private and online as the unique individual you are. Profit from our radically new out-of-the-box thinking.
Holistic mentoring using astrology as a tool: it’s such a cool combination…because it works!