What is it? ASTROL-O-CAM is an audio reading that specifically zeros in on your current issues, what’s behind them, and how they can best be resolved. [expand title="more"] Like any "cam," it offers new, broader views, angles and perspectives, this time of yourself, difficult to obtain in any other way. Cousin to the astrological chart, and interpreted by Francine Juhasz, Ph.D., a professional astrologer with a doctorate in psychology, it is highly practical because it is personalized and tailor-made to fit only you and your circumstances. The ASTROLO-O-CAM reading does not offer general tips. (You’ve had enough of those, right? You want something more.) Usually an hour or more in length, the ASTROLO-O-CAM reading is recorded on an mp4 and stored for you on Dropbox. [/expand]
What can this new tool do? The laser-sharp personal assessments of your ASTROL-O-CAM can reveal programs running in the back of your mind, unnoticed and outside of your conscious grasp and understanding. [expand title="more"] These subconscious complexes and programs may be sabotaging your conscious efforts to make your life work. Making these patterns of your inner forces, drives, conflicts and urges visible allows the challenging ones to be available to you for reflection and readjustment. In effect, it shows how you are hard-wired. It reveals places inside you that you had better visit for you own good. It shows challenges you better take on, also for your own good. It shows you old programs you better let go of so you can evolve, grow more joyful, wise, emotionally mature, communicative, creative and even more spiritual. Your ASTROL-O-CAM reading, because it is a “selfie” extraordinaire, offers a deep and highly detailed whole picture of all of you. It puts your struggles and challenges into a wide perspective that makes sense of them. It’s all about the subtleties inside you, really, and within your situation. Nailing down the intangibles that could defeat you. Identifying your hidden weakness. Is something too much, too little, too early, too late, too undeveloped, too over-emphasized, too wild, too controlled? Bringing self-clarification to a high level. Your ASTROLO-O-CAM reading should literally shake your awareness. One important mind shift could be crucial for your optimal personal growth. New insights can help you be optimally fit energetically to live your life more fully, with greater understanding and pleasure. For example, How to stay cool and fizzy in an uncool, devitalizing workplace. How not to fizzle-out in your relationship. How to avoid a looming personal disaster. [/expand]
What is the experience like? It can feel as if it’s easier to love yourself more. It can feel as if you are set afire with purpose. It can lure you into taking drags on dream-inspiring cigarettes of consciousness. [expand title="more"] It can detonate your awareness on many levels. You can feel emboldened to imagine your life/your current situation as it could be. You can feel confirmed in how beautiful you are/wise/good/lovable/right/creative. [/expand]
How does it differ from an astrological chart? The dynamic patterning of your inner energies, drives, urges and desires in the present is the focus, rather than a description of the [expand title="more"] elements, characteristics and qualities of personality throughout your entire life. [/expand]
Example: Take good care. The cam shows your entire energy system is weaker than normal. It looks as if a fog has come over your natural fiery energy, weakening it. You probably already feel your overall energy is at a very low level, and the reason is one stream of energy in you that operates deep inside you is at odds with another, your overall strength and vitality. So to be in harmony with this, with yourself, you might want to delay or avoid any demanding new projects for a while until these kinks in your energy iron themselves out and you get your normal energy back again. Why is this happening? [expand title="more"] The astrol-o-cam shows you have been too busy lately and haven’t spent enough time paying attention to some part of you that needed more attention to be well-integrated into the rest of your inner forces. What part? The astrol-o-cam shows there is still too much irrational depression floating around inside you that you’re not taking care of. It’s actually causing you to lose confidence in yourself in some area or areas, even though it doesn’t match the reality of who you are and what you are doing. So now is definitely the time to clean that up. How? Thoughtful exploration of why you feel that way, and practicing letting go of and saying goodbye to any negative reactions concerning this you observe inside you. Unconditionally. And keeping up that practice until the irrational depression leaves, and you’re ready to face your challenges with renewed and spontaneous perk, buoyancy and greater self-assurance. But you do have two other energies that…[/expand]
You can limit the reading to focus on a question (for example, Why am I so unpopular as a team leader) or a single area of inquiry (for example, intimate relationships). Fee $90
3 Different
You can ask for a reading of your current situation in the last 3 months and the next 3. Fee is $125.
You can ask for a detailed reading of the whole you, with all your idiosyncratic energy patterns, including energy blockages, conflicts, challenges, strong points and new possibilities for the next 12 months. Fee $275
Who interprets the ASTROL-O-CAM?
Francine Juhasz, Ph.D., psychologist, therapist, astrologer, author
How do I order mine?
Send an email to with your request, your birthtime, birthplace and birthdate, and any information you think may be helpful. We will contact you by email or phone to discuss how an ASTROL=O=CAM reading can be most useful to you and what you hope it includes. We will then arrange payment through Paypal, and you will receive your reading within 1 to 2 weeks after that.
What I prize most is you caught my attention and helped me make a shift in my mind, in the way I see things. It has made my life not only more successful, but more interesting. At times it does seem bizarre that a different perspective can do that much. Wow! You have special gifts. L., Hawaii
The way you see things…that’s what surprises me. No one else I’ve met or consulted says it that way. You have a whole other way of looking at things – and at me. This is good. This is really good. G., Denver
Francine, you are a skilled practitioner of how to deal with the energy and emotion people are packed with, even your own. A happiness lights you from within. You have a wonderful energy and smile as well! F., Guadeloupe
Mind-blowing! I can't tell you how validated I feel right now in my own identity and person. I feel like I have graduated, if that makes any sense. I feel focused and confident for the future. I had no idea how positive and supportive this process would be and I am eternally thankful to you both. You are wonderful people who constantly remind me of the good in humanity. Thank you for believing in me. A., Denver
Ahead of their time in knowledge. Excellent in how they present this information – information of what I’ve been searching for for a long time. Things are making more sense as I look back at my life now. S., Paris, France