Transformational Stories Highlighting the Engineering of Joyful Lives and Successful Careers
To demonstrate the efficacy of our holistic mentoring methods, we have composited hundreds of our most intriguing mentoring sessions into transformational stories of individual clients.
Dramatically told with musical accents, uncannily entertaining and inspiring, each podcast is a poignant story of how a natal chart was key to detonating awareness, activating new behaviors and motivating people to deal with their issues holistically.
Aimed at CEOs, entrepreneurs, managers, employees, artists and anyone who really wants to evolve and get more joy out of life, these podcasts showcase the power and scope of this innovative mentoring combo that’s simply a cool combination…because it works!
Episode#000 Hans and Francine introduce themselves, their creative and professional backgrounds and their holistic mentoring combo
Coming alive in these podcasts, and told dramatically through transformational stories, is how Hans and Francine add new dimensions of joy, mastery and meaning to their clients’ lives. These stories tell how they creatively use a client’s natal chart as an unrivaled coaching and consciousness tool to detonate a client’s awareness and, through holistic mentoring, motivate and train them to deal with the underlying and often hidden aspects of their issues to activate new behaviors.
Episode #1 Assisting CEOs in transforming outdated notions of leadership through holistic mentoring
Hans tells of a prominent CEO who, stuck in an inherited and outdated vision of leadership, finds he is living next door to himself and at war with his employees--until the insights from his natal chart, supported by holistic mentoring, jolt him into turning things around. Of particular interest to entrepreneurs who may be successful in their business yet feel devoid of emotions and alienated from themselves.
Episode #2 Care workers dealing with toxic work environments learn how to care for themselves through holistic mentoring.
Francine portrays the story of an activities director in a care community who, with the help of her natal chart, is shocked to find out she is in the wrong profession because she has been entranced into loving people more than living out her own potential. Listen in as this dilemma is resolved with the support of holistic mentoring sessions.
Episode #3 People stuck in their heads find their way out through online holistic mentoring sessions
Hans relates how an IT worker, lost in the information age and stuck in her head, reconnects with her heart and belly--and finds a better way of using her mind--through lessons in effective personal information processing. Sounds impossible, but listen to how she does it!
Episode #4 Empowering managers by helping them develop their social and emotional intelligence through online holistic mentoring sessions
Francine in this podcast tells of a top manager who is in danger of losing her job because unevolved parts of her threaten to offset her finest talents--and is unaware a secret desire is pushing her to look for love in all the wrong places. Listen in as her natal chart detonates her awareness and holistic mentoring helps her activate new behaviors.
Episode #5 Cubicle workers become out-of-the-cubicle actors creating alternative careers with the help of their natal charts and online holistic mentoring sessions
Portrayed by Hans, an unhappy longtime cubicle worker, realizing the career mistake she has made, taps into seemingly lost dreams and hidden talents to joyfully engineer a brand new career. Enjoy hearing how she does this.
Episode #6 Retirement can be greatly enriched by exploring and developing one’s unlived potential through online holistic mentoring sessions
In this podcast, Francine spotlights a retired banker who always lived to please his wife instead of his own heart. Because of this he finds himself stuck in the suburbs and is ready to give up on life until his natal chart reveals his neglected moral side, and holistic mentoring sessions open up for him an unexpected path to joy and self-fulfillment.
Episode#7 Clarifying artists’ career visions through a holistic assessment of their creativity assisted by insights from their natal charts
In this podcast by Hans, a failing artist, who learns he has mistaken his epiphany for his life’s work, struggles to readjust his career goals and mend his personal life during online holistic mentoring sessions. Inspiring for anyone attempting to balance a personal life with creative endeavors.
Episode #8 Empowering therapists to identify and overcome their personal weaknesses through holistic mentoring
Francine narrates the story of a successful psychotherapist who has no idea why she feels flat and empty and has no satisfying personal life. Find out how she manages to create one by discovering and integrating her shadow side through holistic mentoring and the insights of her natal chart.
Episode #9 Type A performers enrich their lives by discovering new dimensions of themselves with the help of online holistic mentoring sessions
Hans narrates the story of a high-level manager who, thinking he has his life under control, inexplicably falls victim to explosions of anger.
Encouraged in mentoring sessions to face these, and what lies beneath them, and guided by the insights of his natal chart, he manages to live his life quite differently.
Episode #10 High-level managers stand greater chances at success by developing self-mastery and a self-organizing inner team through holistic mentoring and insights from their natal charts
Francine tells the story of a brilliant grants manager who is facing a tough choice: losing her job by continuing to allow her inner jungle to emerge at work, or saving it by facing and taming her wild inner forces with the possibility of enjoying the added bonus of inner peace.
Episode #11 Retirement made fulfilling and joyful with help of online holistic mentoring sessions.
Hans tells the story of an elderly woman who, exhausted from a life of service, faces a bleak retirement. Yet through holistic mentoring sessions and the help of her natal chart, she finds a way to connect an old heartfelt ambition with a newly developed skill to add color and energy to her life.
Episode #12 Poor self-assertion and lifelong passivity are ideal targets for online holistic mentoring sessions and the catalyzing insights of a natal chart
In this story of an unhappy woman, Francine explores what has made her fail her entire life to stand up for herself. With help of her chart, she shows the woman how she can turn this around and, through holistic mentoring sessions, trains her to assert her own needs and desires. Sounds hard to do? Listen to how it can be done!
Episode #13 Manic activity in entrepreneurs recalibrated through online holistic mentoring sessions
Hans tells the story of a successful entrepreneur who races through life like a motorcycle and leaves a trail of devastation in her wake. Why? Surprisingly, because she is unaware she’s blocking her innate idealism and unable to live it out as an adult. As her natal chart detonates her awareness, holistic mentoring enables her to activate new behaviors.
Episode #14 Living apart together seen from the perspective of a natal chart can make for an excellent marriage
Francine portrays the story of a retired lawyer who, with his marriage on the cliffs, learns from his natal chart some surprising news about his real nature and, through holistic mentoring sessions, is challenged to start a new career in love and life.