We're ready to work with you
To enable you to develop an evolved self-authoring,self-motivating proactive mindset
To resolve your issues
Reach your goals
And enjoy your life as an ongoing work of art
We suggest telephone or Skype sessions of one hour at least once a week beginning with a month after one free 15-minute intake session.
Then you determine if that (and our working together) really works for you.
Because true growth happens slowly, it’s important, if we both agree, for you to commit to continue beyond the first month. Maintaining the relationship is a powerful help for building a practice, a practice, that is, of developing new habits and sustaining them until you reach the highest level of self-authoring you desire.
For more: hanshhoutman@gmail.com or francinejuhasz@gmail.com
Send us an email with your name and telephone number, and we'll get back to you shortly!